The Department of Energy, Office of Electricity (OE) hired Aerinet Solutions for a nationwide initiative. Specifically, how data interoperability can support power outage maps. Aerinet Solutions are energy experts in using data, GIS analytics, and AI (Artificial Intelligence) to reduce power outages. Aerinet’s capabilities include using data to map outages and predict future power outages. The DOE’s goal is to use real-time outage data via interoperability standards, including MultiSpeak and CIM-61968-3. Aerinet’s expertise includes using the MultiSpeak standard to see real-time outages on the PwrMetrix® platform. Aerinet’s PwrMetrix® platform is standard agnostic. This means that PwrMetrix® can receive outage data from any system. The PwrMetrix® platform makes computing SAIDI, SAIFI, and CAIDI easy for any engineering department. As the outage data is standardized, AI predictors can be trained to forecast future outages. The DOE selected Aerinet to work with ORNL based on their MultiSpeak expertise.

The Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is leading the Outage Data Initiative Nationwide (ODIN) project. Aerinet is providing project management and technical support to explain the MultiSpeak interoperability data standard. Outage Data Initiative Nationwide (ODIN) seeks to establish a comprehensive, standardized digital map of power outages. This map offers actionable updates in near real-time to the benefit of customers, providers, and emergency management officials alike. The ODIN map provides details by county, ZIP code, and latitude and longitude, including estimated times that power might be restored.
“Synergy is the key to successful collaboration. DOE and ORNL’s goals connect with Aerinet’s vision of improving peoples’ lives. We do this by empowering electric utilities with transformational and cost-effective solutions to provide safe, reliable, and affordable electricity to the community,” Alvin Razon, CEO/GM.