"We are using science and AI to improve reliability and reduce losses of revenue during outages. Again, working smarter and not harder, and reducing incremental costs while reducing revenue losses.
We ran the outage predictions on the AI Platform and it gave us the probabilities of outages for the next month. We were a little skeptical until after all top 5 predicted feeders went out. Literally it picked all five !!!
Now we are taking a step farther and looking at minimizing outage length or even keeping the outage from happening at all be taking the AI probabilities and use it to work smarter by changing breaker settings and minimizing the effect of the outage."
We ran the outage predictions on the AI Platform and it gave us the probabilities of outages for the next month. We were a little skeptical until after all top 5 predicted feeders went out. Literally it picked all five !!!
Now we are taking a step farther and looking at minimizing outage length or even keeping the outage from happening at all be taking the AI probabilities and use it to work smarter by changing breaker settings and minimizing the effect of the outage."

Chris Hamon - CEO
White river valley electric
"As a CEO, I don't have the time to dig into data looking for answers. PwrMetrix® made an immediate impression with it's use of dashboards. Information about our system was presented in a format that is quick an easy to read. If there is another tool like this out in the market, I had not seen it."

Tim Lindhal - Wheatbelt PPD, NE
Former CEO
“Before PwrMetrix®, I’d used an Excel spreadsheet to calculate reliability numbers on a system level. Trying to get feeder level data involved too much time and effort.
Using PwrMetrix®, we can now identify our worst performing circuits. We can rank our circuits by where we see the most outage times. We can hone in on the areas where we’ll get the most bang for our buck in our inspection and maintenance programs.
PwrMetrix® has saved me programming time and overall has been a great help to the co-op. Once you get into it, PwrMetrix gives you results that you can then put to use in improving your utility.”
Using PwrMetrix®, we can now identify our worst performing circuits. We can rank our circuits by where we see the most outage times. We can hone in on the areas where we’ll get the most bang for our buck in our inspection and maintenance programs.
PwrMetrix® has saved me programming time and overall has been a great help to the co-op. Once you get into it, PwrMetrix gives you results that you can then put to use in improving your utility.”

Jeff Coleman - Berkeley Electric Cooperative, SC
Manager of Engineering
“There are a lot of reasons to address outages but cost is the biggest driver. PwrMetrix® gives you the ability to quickly analyze what outages are costing us. We had some idea before using this tool, but now we know with precision where our outages are occurring, what is causing the outages and which ones are costing us the most. With this knowledge we can develop the processes and procedures to address the problems.
The platform set-up is easy to navigate and you can quickly run the reports you need. It is very helpful to add graphing and visual information to your outage data. The visual aspects and reporting options in PwrMetrix® is very helpful when you need to present data to groups with varying levels of technical knowledge. It helps you present the data in a way that’s easy to absorb, and allows anyone to quickly grasp the trends. That in itself is hard to put a price tag on.
If we have a question or need a change, the staff at PwrMetrix® are very responsive. If it is something that will benefit all customers, there is never an extra cost. I don’t recall ever paying for a software upgrade – unlike most software companies.”
The platform set-up is easy to navigate and you can quickly run the reports you need. It is very helpful to add graphing and visual information to your outage data. The visual aspects and reporting options in PwrMetrix® is very helpful when you need to present data to groups with varying levels of technical knowledge. It helps you present the data in a way that’s easy to absorb, and allows anyone to quickly grasp the trends. That in itself is hard to put a price tag on.
If we have a question or need a change, the staff at PwrMetrix® are very responsive. If it is something that will benefit all customers, there is never an extra cost. I don’t recall ever paying for a software upgrade – unlike most software companies.”

Matthew Avery - CHELCO, Fl
SVP of Engineering & Operations
"800 of Lyon REC’s 900 miles of line are underground. We still have outages even though we are primarily underground – the outages are just of a different nature, such as damage from flooding, mice, rats and weeds in the fuse cabinets, and cables cut by excavators, trenchers and vehicle accidents.
Before using PwrMetrix®, all of our outages were calculated by hand. Now, once we enter the data into the PwrMetrix software, the calculations are more accurate and more consistent. It is much easier to get all the reports we need for the reliability indices. It also provides a simple way to report about outages and reliability to our Board. It is a much more robust tool than I had expected.”
Before using PwrMetrix®, all of our outages were calculated by hand. Now, once we enter the data into the PwrMetrix software, the calculations are more accurate and more consistent. It is much easier to get all the reports we need for the reliability indices. It also provides a simple way to report about outages and reliability to our Board. It is a much more robust tool than I had expected.”

Ross Loomans - Lyon Rural Electric Cooperative, IA
General Manager
“The software can provide a detailed graphical representation of exactly where and when animal outages happen, along with the creature the crew believes is responsible. It helps us to focus on what types of outage events cost the utility most.”

Manish Murudkar - COBB EMC, GA
Supervisor, System Protection and Reliability
“PwrMetrix® has introduced REC to a true analytics solution. It allows us to dig deeper and focus our efforts on targeted areas of the distribution grid. It has become a new and powerful tool in our belt!”

Ernie Young - Rappahannock Electric, VA
Retired Director, Operational and Construction Services